Planning Your Visit / Getting Here

We are looking forward to welcoming you to The Swallow Theatre and hope that you have an enjoyable time with us.To help you get the most out of your visit we have prepared a couple of downloadable documents

Directions on how to find us

To help you get the most out of your visit we have prepared a couple of downloadable documents

Download Directions

What To Expect

We have produced a leaflet of useful information about what to expect when you visit The Swallow Theatre

What To Expect

Getting Here From :

Newton Stewart
Newton Stewart

Journey Time : approximately 25 minutes

At the Newton Stewart roundabout on the A75, take the A714 (signposted Wigtown and Whithorn).

After about five and a half miles, on the edge of Wigtown, branch right onto B7005 (signposted Port William and Whithorn).

At Bladnoch, rejoin A714 (signposted Whithorn); after a further mile this road becomes the A746. Follow A746 through Braehead, Kirkinner and Sorbie.

After Sorbie, take the first right turn about three quarters of a mile out of the village .

After about one and a half miles, turn left (signposted Glasserton).

The theatre is in the grounds of the white cottage on the right with ‘Moss Park’ on the front (you can’t miss it!). Car parking is in the field on the other side of the road.


Journey Time : approximately 45 minutes

Take the A75 out of Stranraer towards Dumfries.

After about eleven miles, turn right onto the A747 (signposted Port William).

Keep on the A747 into Port William (about twelve miles).

In the centre of Port William, branch left onto the B7085 (signposted Wigtown).

After about two miles, turn sharp right onto B7021 (signposted Whithorn).

After about two and a half miles, turn left (signposted Sorbie).

After about one and a half miles, turn right (signposted Glasserton).

The theatre is in the grounds of the white cottage on the right with ‘Moss Park’ on the front (you can’t miss it!). Car parking is in the field on the other side of the road.