Little Women – Outdoor Performance

Hotbuckle Productions

Sunday 29 June 2025 : 6.00pm

Tickets : £16.50

Please Note: this is planned to be an outdoor open-air performance

The seating plan ONLY applies if the show has to move indoors in the event of bad weather. If the show is outdoors, places on the lawn are UNRESERVED. Bring your own chair or rug. We shall have a few benches and seats available if you cannot carry a chair. You are welcome to bring a picnic.

If the weather is too wet or windy the performance will be moved inside the theatre.

Sorry, picnics cannot be taken into the theatre.

Please choose your seats from the plan in case the event has to be moved into the auditorium.

Accessible seating

Seats in Row A and B are at ground level and access to them is step free.

We keep back seats in row B for those with accessibility needs.

If you are not able to manage the steps, or require a seat close to the front for vision/hearing reasons, and seats in row A are already sold, then please phone or email us and we can release row B.

Close to the performance date, if these seats are still available, they will be put on general sale.

Choose your seats

seat available imageSeat available
seat unavailable imageSeat sold
seat selected imageSeat selected
seat available imageNot yet on sale


Step free
Step free

We have kept our ticket prices as low as we can to help make our events affordable for as many people as possible. However, costs are rising for actors, musicians and for the venue.

If you feel you could pay more for your ticket, any donation you add here will directly help to support this performer. Your donation will go into the pot of money attributed to this show, and split in accordance with our contract with this performer.

At the checkout there is also an opportunity to donate to The Swallow Theatre. Please feel no obligation at all to pay extra – your order is supporting the theatre and performers already.

Please Note: this is planned to be an outdoor open-air performance

The seating plan ONLY applies if the show has to move indoors in the event of bad weather. If the show is outdoors, places on the lawn are UNRESERVED. Bring your own chair or rug. We shall have a few benches and seats available if you cannot carry a chair. You are welcome to bring a picnic.

If the weather is too wet or windy the performance will be moved inside the theatre.

Sorry, picnics cannot be taken into the theatre.

Please choose your seats from the plan in case the event has to be moved into the auditorium.

Accessible seating

Seats in Row A and B are at ground level and access to them is step free.

We keep back seats in row B for those with accessibility needs.

If you are not able to manage the steps, or require a seat close to the front for vision/hearing reasons, and seats in row A are already sold, then please phone or email us and we can release row B.

Close to the performance date, if these seats are still available, they will be put on general sale.